


Employee Rights and Benefits Protection

Release time:2022-09-05

The Policy of Employee Diversity and Equality

Sino Biopharmaceutical and its member companies adhere to legal and equal employment, and do not discriminate or treat employees differently based on national, ethnic, native place, gender, age, physical characteristics, interests or religious beliefs.


Legal Employment Policy

Sino Biopharmaceutical and its member companies strictly abide by the Labor Contract Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and regulations. We have formulated and implemented the Recruitment Management System, which explicitly prohibits child labor and forced labor, and firmly opposes discrimination or differential treatment of employees based on nationality, ethnicity, place of origin, gender, age, physical characteristics, interests, hobbies, religious beliefs and other factors. Labor contracts with employees are signed on a voluntary and fair basis. If cases of child labor, forced labor, or discrimination against employees were found, we will properly deal with the specific situation to respect and strictly protect the rights and benefits of employees.

So far, there has been no case of child labor, forced labor or employee discrimination.


Employees Rights and Benefits Policy

Sino Biopharmaceutical attaches great importance to the protection of employees' rights and benefits, and has formulated the Welfare Management Policy applicable to the Group and its subsidiary enterprises to clarify the welfare standards of all employees and protect their benefits. In addition, we pay close attention to the rights and benefits of female employees and care for their physical and mental health. We create an inclusive and warm workplace environment for female employees by providing special maternity room, guarantees for their children to see a doctor, attend kindergartens and primary schools, etc., in addition to fully paid maternity leave and maternity leave in accordance with regulations.

In addition to the statutory benefits in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, all employees can also enjoy the benefits of company’s unique policy. All legal welfare items are paid according to the national policy, including endowment insurance, unemployment insurance, basic medical insurance (including maternity insurance), industrial and commercial insurance, housing accumulation fund, etc. Company welfare items include supplementary medical care, festival bonus, annual health examination, personal accident insurance and other benefits.

1.Supplementary medical benefits: Medical benefits provided to employees in excess of relevant regulations, including employee supplemental medical insurance, and group critical illness insurance.

2.Festival bonus: In Mid-Autumn Festival, three in one (Christmas, New Year, Spring Festival), the international working women's day (female employees only), the festival bonus are released annually.

3.Annual health examination: Regular health examinations and occupational disease examinations for employees are regularly organized in order to ensure the health of employees.

4.Personal accident insurance: Including personal accident insurance (death) and traffic accident insurance.

5.Additional benefits based on internal activities and other needs may be provided in addition to the above benefits.

The Policy of Employee Health and Safety Management

Sino Biopharmaceutical and its member companies adhere to the principle of people-oriented, and regard employees as the cornerstone of enterprise longevity. We protect employees' rights and interests according to law, and ensure employees' health and safety by creating a safe, equal and harmonious working environment.


The Policy of Work-Life Balance

Sino Biopharmaceutical advocates a balanced and harmonious work-life relationship. The Group calls for high work efficiency and encourages employees to complete their work within eight hours. In principle, overtime work is not recommended. During the COVID-19 period, all employees are allowed to work remotely from home in order to protect the health of all employees and their families, and minimize the risk of infection as well.

According to the Employee Code, employees in non-production positions are allowed to work flexibly in working day. The flexible working time is between 8:30 a.m. and 10:00 a.m., and the corresponding off-work time is between 17:00 p.m. and 18:30 p.m.


The Commitment of Employee Satisfaction

Sino Biopharmaceutical and its member companies attach great importance to the demands of employees and, is committed to continuously providing a satisfactory working environment and promising development platform. The Group annually carries out satisfaction surveys among all employees to timely understand and respond to their opinions and demands, continuously improve their value identity and sense of belonging, and continuously improve their satisfaction.


Employees Feedback and Complaint Management Policy   Policy Download→

Sino Biopharmaceutical fully respects and attaches importance to employee opinions, formulates and implements employee feedback and complaint management policies, defines employee communication and complaint methods, provides smooth channels for employee complaints and provides employee whistleblowing protection

1. Communication and complaint

The company is committed to creating a good working atmosphere between employees, superiors and the company, and recommends employees to lodge complaints about work-related problems in the following ways:


(1)Reports to the supervisor or the HR department

(2)Employee congress, in which all employees have the right to participate independently, forming opinions and providing suggestions on key issues that directly affect them

(3)Helpline within the office automation (OA) system

(4)Anonymously accessible question answering service within the OA system

(5)Reporting issues to the internal audit departments via email at Sbox@sino-biopharm.com

(6)Reporting issues to the Chairperson via email


2. No retaliation

There should be no punishment or retaliation against employees who complain. Witnesses who provide information during an investigation should be protected from reprisals. All forms of threats, intimidation and reprisals are prohibited.

3. Confidential

Employees shall keep their complaints confidential and communicate and discuss them only when it helps to resolve the problem. The relevant personnel handling the complaint may disclose relevant information only if necessary for the purpose of investigation or taking disciplinary measures.
